How to Hang Artwork

Tips on how to hang artwork:

art hanging tips

“Sedona,” by Andrea de Kerpely-Zak

1. Decide on a strategy. The weight, size, and shape of the item you’re hanging and the material of your walls both need to be considered before you so much as get near a hammer. Can I drill into brick? What about tile? Will my plaster walls hold anything and what the heck is a stud? We’ve got you covered with these four common wall-hanging myths, busted.

2. Gather supplies. Besides a hammer, measuring tape, and pencil, you’ll need the following supplies to hang art on plaster or drywall (essentially more weight-bearing supplies for heavier artwork):

Read more in ArchitecturalDigest

Tips on how to hang art

landscape art

landscape art

Arranging Other Items around the Painting
  1. Hang the painting in an open area. …
  2. Fill the surrounding space with smaller pieces of art for symmetry. …
  3. Incorporate other miscellaneous decorative elements to personalize the wall. …
  4. Arrange your furniture and accessories to correspond to the lines of the artwork

for more tips on how to decorate check out elledecor